Survive Strive Thrive, Inc
aka SST, Inc
DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that SST, Inc is an all inclusive organization. Our support of Black Business events does not imply that we do not support all businesses. All businesses are welcomed.

text only 484-524-3614 or email huriyyah6410@gmail.com
Dear Potential Corporate Sponsor:
We welcome your sponsorship of our event. Your company will be given top exposure to the over 60 small businesses that participate in our event. In addition, if you are looking to tap into the African American consumer market; this event is key.
Our event is a concentrated effort to bring small black businesses in contact with general public. This event is held annually. We anticipate over 1000 attendees coming to shop and enjoy the programs we have planned.
Survive Strive Thrive, Inc. is a nonprofit organization
501 (3)c entity that specializes in matters of entrepreneurship, education and community activism. Our event is our annual fund raiser and proceeds support our Citywide Trunk Party donation drive where we give 1st time low income college students Care Packages to help them in their first year. Proceeds will also support our initiative to give 30 homeless mothers gift cards to shop at our event.
WE ALSO INVITE GRASSROOTS COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS with budgets less than $50,000 annually to participate in our event in exchange for a 45 minute presentation of their program Community Organizations can sign up at the eventbrite link below....cost is $250
Presently, we are reaching out to invite corporations to sponsor our event. Our sponsorship levels are as follows:
Corporate Friends level ($1,000) and Corporate Support level ($500) can be paid by contacting huriyyah6410@gmail.com
Your Sponsorship benefits your company by increasing recognition of your brand throughout our audience. It also offers the significant value as the African American community strives to build businesses to show which corporations are willing to help in this endeavor. And which corporations share the passion of our growth and development as a community. Please call Huriyyah Bey at 484-524-3614 for further information and address for payment.
All in all, our event will help small black businesses reap some of the benefits of the holiday season. Our event will also train youth entrepreneurs who will be operating a table at the event selling differnt items. Each student will receive a community service letter and a stipend for their service.